So i found out a couple of my old plastic bangle, I'm going to use this one first I've measured the width x 2 which is 2inches and it should be around about 8.5inches all the way round:
and as I've been dying to get to work with my newest wool. Here i go!
I'm knitting a 2inch by 8.5inch square to fit round this. I'm using a Sublime cashmere merino silk dk in a pale grey as you see here, it was pretty expensive and certainly the most pricey wool I've bought at around £6 for 50g. It is a gorgeous silky wool and I'm hoping it'll give real definition to the moss stitch pattern I'm going to use (kudos to Clare here!).
The stitch is looking fantastic however it doesn't look like its supposed to! After some searching it appears I've been a fool and written my pattern down wrong (yes again!) So I have very successfully been doing rib stitch which while it looks fantastic its not what I was aiming for! So I have decided I shall carry on and instead I shall do seed stitch (moss stitches smaller sister). Perhaps I will alternate the rib and seed stitch or i shall just leave this bit. We shall wait and see!
And i end up with this!
Now that I've done 8 inches however i have realised that this is now too long and too wide for the bracelet i had chosen so I've done an emergency substitute. :9 I shall bear this in mind for next time to ensure that if my chosen pattern will naturally widen the swatch that i will need to compensate for that by reducung the number of stitches For this pattern i think i would've been fine with 13 or 15 stitchs rather than 19 as I have done and reckon i only needed around 6 1/2 inches to 7 inches due to the elasticity of the wool.
Now to stitch it round my bracelet:
I left a good length of yarn after i cast off which i am now using to sew up the edges, it needs to be relatively neat on the upright part as this will be visible but along the edges its not as important as It will be turned to be on the inside.
I finish up neatly (as i can) stitching the ends together then i twist the wool round and straighten up the pattern so i end up with this:
I've had lots of fun making this bracelet and I have learnt a great deal while making it, and i can't wait to make some others! Overall I'm very happy for a first try! :D :D
Oh me... you do rib instead of moss, and I did moss instead of rib! What a pair!